So you've found my blog, welcome. I've wanted to make one for ages but I've been a bum all summer and never did. But here I am in the middle of July and when's a better time to start one? I'm not going to write anything deep, most won't find my life too interesting but I want to improve my writing skills and have fun. Actually, what made me want to post today was because it's 100 degrees and I, my house having no air conditioner, am incredibly hot. As are my three cats. So I decided to walk around and take pictures of each of them in the spot they thought coolest, some not so brilliant, others quite smart. I was going to upload them but because this computer doesn't work very well, and because I wouldn't know how to anyway, that will have to wait for a future post. In the meantime I will describe my wonderful cats which will bore my readers but make me very happy, which, unfortunately for you, was my main aim. One thing you should know is that my grammar is really bad and I like to use commas wherever I see fit which is rather excessively...but I'm not going to bother myself too much about it because that would take the fun out of it.
Their names are Fred, George and Lily, named after the famous Harry Potter books which I am a huge fan of as you might be able to tell from my profile. I admit they're strange names for cats and not a lot of thought was put into them. Perhaps they would have been better off staying Ichibod, Sand, and Smoke, but they are indeed from the same litter which fits the orange Weasley twin description and Lily, though grey, has big, green eyes. If I could redo it I'd call them Lorax, Crookshanks, and Lily could stay the same. Most of their kitten-hood was spent on a farm in Moundsville, Missouri and I like to say I saved them from a terrible fate but that's likely not true because, though not fat, they are rather spoiled and definitely not farm cats.
They came to us when my friend's cousins came to visit around Christmas and brought three of the newest kittens from the farm along, which was a mistake. I was over playing and then I met the kittens and (who can resist kittens?), loved them! Then, not exactly sure how, we ended up with all three for Christmas even though we already owned two others at the time. They are the most lovely pets I've ever had.
Each of them has a distinctly different personality. While Fred is still interesting, I have the least to say about him so that's where I'll start. He's always wanted to be a movie star. He likes it when I call him Sir Friedrick the Great or just Sir Friedrick for short. Mostly I call him Fred Fred though. He loves it when I take pictures or better yet, videos of him. He loves to pose and stay out late because he thinks it's cool. On nights when he doesn't come in at all more often than not I'll hear him meorling at the door and find him with a dead critter in his mouth. He prefers baby chipmunks but he'll take a squirrel if he can catch one. Over the summer he gets allergies which cause his eyes to swell, turn pink, and ooze white goo and it's gross. His fiercest ambition besides becoming a movie star is to get a girlfriend. He is the most normal of my cats and I try to pet him as much as the others but he kinda annoys me sometimes.
Next is George. He has lots of different names from Jorge to Dumb Dumb to Dort and anything else we feel like calling him. He is indeed the color of sand which causes him to overheat in summer and he often gets sunburned. George is very special. I mean Very Special. There's this look in his eye that makes him always look confused. He's got fat little paws that are fun to hold because he never uses his claws on purpose and his head is fun pat because he's so squishy and we like to joke that he was dropped on his head as a kitten. All his different names doesn't really help much because he forgets everything. You can tell when he's walking around and suddenly stops that he's forgotten what he was doing. Thus his sleeping spots change constantly varying on his mood. An interesting thing about George is that he likes heights. Even as a kitten he would go up into the rafters of the basement where we couldn't find him until feeding time or he started walking around which would make loud banging sounds from the heat ducts. Since then he's progressed to climbing the apple tree in the neighbor's yard and the maple out back. An annoying habit of his is that he doesn't chew his food. He swallows huge mouthfuls whole and finishes in less than half the time it takes the other two unless forced to take breaks. When he's too quick he will throw it up somewhere in the house completely undigested. He also doesn't hunt his own animals outside, rather finds some roadkill or half of something Fred caught and proudly drags it to the doorstep. The biggest thing he's caught himself is a moth which he ate. All bugs are George's friends and he would gladly, stupidly let a flea live on him if he met one, unless he swallowed it accidentally that is. George's favorite thing to do in the summer is sniff the flowers. He loves flowers of every kind and sometimes he eats them. He doesn't understand that rolling and sleeping on top of them makes them die. A recent discovery I've made about him is that he likes to dance. I'm doing the Suzuki Method with him. He started with just wiggles but now he can do up like a rocket ship and row row row your boat and all sorts of things. Someday I'll make a video when he's ready. Mostly he's a sweet, dumb, little guy and you can't help but love him.
Lily was the runt of the litter. When I first saw her she was so tiny and all I wanted to do was hold her but she was too scared. I lost interest because she wasn't adventurous and nice like the others. But then when we owned her I decided she was my own kitten and brought her up to bed with me every night. She stayed, likely out of fear, but whatever the reason she began to trust me and now will come to her spot next to my pillow every night without me carrying her. Come to think of it, there was a reason. I had this velvety Tinkerbell blanket that she liked to knead with her paws and lick. If I didn't stop her after a few minutes she would go on forever and shred it all up. My sister called it her "mother blanket." Lily's the only one who knows how to have a proper bath. She helps George sometimes when he gets behind or wasn't very thorough which is most of the time. Lily is scared of most everything except me and she follows me around a lot. Especially when she's hungry. Foodies is about the only thing she looks forward to and if she's not outside or napping somewhere she'll be at the top of the basement stairs mewing her little meow begging for food. Her little belly's always hungry and it's rather pitiful. She know one trick which is if I kiss her on the mouth she'll lick mine. I wouldn't do this with the others but Lily is just a buggy catcher like George except for the occasional mouse in which case I'll make it clear she was bad. Her nicknames are Mousey, Bibi, Lily-pad, Tootsie, and Little One. We share a connection and I talk to her a lot. She's the first thing I ever took a picture of.
I hope you feel well informed about my cats and that you enjoyed some of it. I certainly did and learned some things even I didn't realise 'til now. Pictures to come! Please comment and tell me what you thought. If there's something you want to know just ask and your topic might just be in the next post. I'm also going to be trying different backgrounds to see what I like. Tell me what you think. Visit again soon. I will post as the mood takes me, hopefully at least once a week. This brings my first ever blog post to an end. Tata! =P
Testing to see if comments work...
ReplyDeletelike your backround Mel:)
Thanks! I think I'll stick with it for now. The other ones I was looking at don't fit the screen right.
ReplyDeleteih. How did you get that backround? I dont have it.
ReplyDeleteIt's online, not one of the default ones.
ReplyDeleteI should really go on cutestblogontheblock some time to customize my blog!