Coming back to this later, I saw how negative it sounded and how it kinda went against a lot of things I've been complaining about. I may despise fall, but I wish I didn't. I decided that it's like getting along with people. Sometimes you have to be the one to choose to be friendly. Lately I've been learning how a lot of things in life are like that; so many things could be made positive if only they were looked at in a different light. The only problem is choosing to think a different way because many don't like that idea. But it got me thinking...What is at least one thing I enjoy about fall? Well, there's always the long as I don't think about what the changing implies, there's no denying how beautiful a street full of fall trees looks. And then my birthday is a few days into fall too...that's always a plus to whatever season. I also like to wear jeans and sweaters, but usually it's too cold to wear those without extra layers. Beyond that, I wouldn't mind fast forwarding to spring.
Perhaps my main grudge is that I have to ride my bike everywhere in it. All through the winter last year when I went to Wheaton North, excepting about five days of unbearable cold in the negatives, I rode two miles in that mucky weather at 7:00 a.m. every day. It makes me miserable. I have to dress like an Eskimo or be freezing all over. I think I naturally lose heat quickly anyway because even indoors my feet and fingers are incessantly cold. Then there's always the issues to deal with from the temperature change when going into a heated building from the outdoors. Runny noses are annoying and give me the worst chapped lips. Then hats always flatten my hair and make it look uncombed. Yet I'm trying to give thanks anyway. Whining about weather is really low and hey, it gives the perfect awkward conversation filler.
This must be the most diverse, contradicting post I've ever done, at least I hope so. Someone taught me the concept of thinking of at least one thing you like about something you really don't enjoy at all. I suppose I showed how it realistically happens. How first you think of the one good thing but immediately drown it by thinking of all the bad things. I don't know, try it out sometime. It helps occasionally.
Kitty Korner
This is my darlings' fall schedule
-wake up
-eat breakfast
-morning adventure outside
-back inside and each retire to designated area for afternoon nap.
-beg to go out (too late because it's dark out)
Today I had a literal cat nap. I came home from the library, exhausted after spending hours on my homework. When I came inside I saw Fred and George cuddled up on the couch together, so I thought I'd join them. So I did. And it was the warmest, nicest fifteen minute nap I could ever have had and neither of them minded! I love walking in the front door and knowing where each of my cats are. To my right I know I'll see Fred on the feinting couch, straight ahead, George will be curled up in a blanket on the couch, and to my left I can be sure to see Lily sitting on the dining room table. I guess that's another good thing about fall; warm blankets and cuddles with kitties. They're soo adorable I almost can't stand it! One morning I found George sleeping in the washcloth drawer in the kitchen because we'd left it open. And then there's Lily who lays on my lap whenever it's empty, whether that be during school or while I'm reading. She's so small she needs all the extra heat she can get. As I write this she is laying on half of the keyboard on top of my left hand so I can barely reach some of the letters. So cute but it's a bit of a handicap.
Galatians 6:9
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. For in due season we shall reap a harvest of blessings if we don't give up.
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