Friday, May 2, 2014


It's another one of those weekends for me where I am in rehearsals, lessons, and concerts more than half the day. I really wanted to tell about the Getty concert I went to on Wednesday the 23rd, but I guess I didn't so I'll fix that now. Keith and Kristyn Getty are modern Christian hymn writers and music artists. They also happen to be Irish. They had the cutest accents! Their most popular song is probably In Christ Alone. The reason I went was actually mostly because there was no youth group because everyone was going to the concert. I hadn't especially been planning to go, but I'm so glad I did.

I hadn't exactly realised what a big deal it was until I saw how packed the church was. There was a little band besides which consisted of a drummer, two fiddlers, some guitars, a pianist, something like a banjo, and a chanter maybe. I dunno what you'd call it but they're like these special Irish pipes and they make the most lovely melodies strange tunes. I heard about them from the Moorchild which is a book every fairy fan should read. Anyways, the concert lasted about two hours, both listening, and joining in on the songs that everyone knew. It was a great experience and just getting to listen to Kristyn's pretty voice made it worth it. It's inspiring to see all the different styles of making music.

Real quick I'm going to update on the kitties too. Freddy is doing fine right now. Apparently whatever he has is rather common and will be reoccurring, but it is manageable in most cases. The interesting news is that we have two strays hanging around outside the house. I like to call one Flat-Face and the other One-Eye. Flat Face is a puffy and unkempt looking black cat with clumps of fur missing. One eye looks reasonably looked after and isn't around as often as Flat Face, but prefers to slink around at night and creep me out by looking through the window with his one green eye. Flat Face is friendly to my Fred and George so there hasn't been trouble that I know of and I believe that One Eye and the others have yet to meet.

Just two weeks left of school, so I'll try to be more regular. Bye!

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