Friday, January 24, 2014

Time Heals Nothing

It is the fact that time causes forgetfulness which, I think everyone can agree, does not fix the problem but ignores it. I think this seems to be how many kids and adults today deal with their disagreements. Then there's always a gap between the two people because it was never originally addressed. At least for me, it grows increasingly difficult at that point to treat that person the way it was before the offence. This too is in part due to forgetfulness because one grows so used to the new treatment of the other, that any previous closeness is far gone.

Counselors say that this is not an easy fix, and that both sides must be willing to cooperate with each other in a long term treatment plan that involves tedious office visits. I say differently. The successful stories of this type of remedy could only have occurred between two Christians otherwise likely did not really occur at all, only appeared to. Something I'm leaning is that forgiveness comes through Christ, not on our own. We are too sinful to ever be able to restrain all the hatred and anger towards those who hurt us without the assistance of a higher power.

The one thing I'd agree from a shrink's perspective, is that you must want to forgive. I do however think that it can be one sided. It's so easy to hold a grudge, hard to get rid of it. In fact, we like holding grudges. It's a sinful pleasure that ruins so many good relationships that might have turned out fine. Destroying a friendship is easy as going down a stream. The current is with you, because that's how humans are wired, it is extremely hard for us to get along with each other without occasional disagreements. Then when you realize you've done something and want to try and fix it, it's like going upstream and the current, the world, is pushing at you to keep going down the path to destruction.

Those are my words of wisdom for the week. Don't go with flow. Fight, fight, and fight some more until God helps you conquer, or at least keep at bay, the evil that is at the same time fighting to take over.

Now I'm off to a church retreat for the weekend, where I will hopefully have a nice refreshing day and a half before I must come back early to make some music and finish a load of homework. Thank you for anyone who has patiently waited for my posts to finally come out as I try to find time to edit and publish them on time and continually fail. Happy Friday!


  1. You have had to deal with a lot more garbage than the average 16-year-old who grew up in Wheaton. You are exactly right about fighting until God helps you conquer. Keep at it. I'm proud of you.

    - Billy

  2. This is a surprise, thank you. How did you come by my blog?
