Friday, May 30, 2014

Run Dogs, Run!

I'm back from the SAA conference, it went really well. Almost as soon as I got back I had to do even more practicing for the concert that Friday and then 3 auditions the next day. My re-auditions for  the string group I'm already in weren't so good, but that doesn't really matter since I can't be kicked out. It was good preparation for the EYSO audition later on because that one went perfectly. Even the sight reading was pretty decent. I think I might have finally made it into Youth Symphony. The conductor (who was judging my audition) said I had a really good audition. I just hope I'm not excited for nothing. That would be really disappointing and I am not going to waste another year in Philharmonia. Oh I also got to see the stage production of Les Mis, for free! Someone I know had tickets but decided the showing was too late for her so I got to go instead. It was amazing. Nothing like a long week of performances and then getting to enjoy one yourself =P It's such a beautiful play and the singers didn't disappoint.

I did something really stupid on Tuesday night. I went running on the track for two miles and got a huge blister right on the bottom of my right foot below my big toe on the soft part. It really stinks. I can't walk except on the side of my foot and if it doesn't get better soon, I can't run tomorrow. I'm training for this one 5k I do every year at my church, and it's less than two weeks off. On Sunday I ran four miles and just about died, that's the most I've ever run in my life at one time. Sorry this was all about my feet, it's just every time I walk I am reminded of it. So think about how thankful you are that you don't have big bubbles on the bottom of you feet this week, and no matter how tempted you are to try running naturally, do yourself a favor and wear shoes anyway. It's not going to speed you up at all and certainly isn't going to help you in the next few days.

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