Friday, June 13, 2014

Potential Greatness

So I took Chemistry this year and one interesting thing I learned about was potential energy. As in everything has the potential to do something totally crazy like explode or burst into flames if only the reaction is set going. Well I've been told often that I have such potential in all sorts of things. That's not necessarily a good thing. That means that I have it, but I'm not using it. Now it's not that I think I am already there, but I struggle so much with gathering the will power and focus to make this reaction happen. To tell myself to practice hard every day to get better. There's also the fact that when you have so many options, how do you know what one to pick?

Because it's not like I adore practicing viola, in fact I might have liked dance more for the one year that I did it. But I had to consider other factors like scholarships, location, and accessibility. Almost every little girl does ballet when she's little, I don't know how many go on, but probably more than those who go into music, specifically viola. It would be crushing to study one thing all your life, be really good at it on a scale of kids in your state, but then realize that it's only the extraordinary that can go on in it. Pick something where you have a chance, not something so competitive that only 1 out of every 10 can be chosen for it. I don't mean to crush dreams, but sometimes reaching for the stars and hoping really hard for it isn't enough. Practise and commit from the beginning, find your C02 that starts the reaction, and follow it with all of your heart.

Alas, I didn't make it into Youth Symphony. I got the email a few days ago, and it was very misleading with the subject line saying Acceptance Letter, but upon opening it said welcome to Philharmonia. It was hugely disappointing. Even after he said that it was a good audition and seemed genuinely impressed, I guess I missed something. Goodbye EYSO. On the bright side I'll have more time for homework and less stress about learning music. I'm sure I'll have plenty to do without it and won't miss it come school. Thank you Lord!

This is why we need to do things for the Lord, not for men. If it's for others, it's going to disappoint. Others don't see the passion of the heart or the hours of practice behind auditions. You get one chance at it, and if it goes badly, they reject you, and you move on. Or in my case, even if it goes well you aren't given the chance for other reasons. Lesson is, don't waste you're potential because you can't decide what to do, even if no one else appreciates it.

Lots of other things happened this week as well. I cat-sat for all three of my music teachers, that was quite the experience. Except I think I may have forgotten to mention I started piano and she has a dog. She doesn't count though since I've only had two lessons. Anyways, I have really enjoyed that so far, scales and all.

Oh and as a sequel to my running post, my blisters are healed mostly, my last day of training was Wednesday, and I'm feeling pretty terrible about it. I've trained only for a few weeks and I feel totally unprepared. The 5k race is tomorrow on Saturday at 8:00. Last year my time was something like 24:17 and I won third place in my age category out of at least 25 people. So much pressure. I'll tell you how it went next Friday. Also to come, I'll be away at Blue Lake (not Green Lake, that was last week) for some music stuff so that might give me some tips to write about.

The long awaited verse of the week...
Colossians 3:23-24
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

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