Friday, June 27, 2014

The One On Books

Sorry about the delay, I seem to forget every week that the library closes at 5:00 instead of 9:00. This is when I wish that I had internet. Then again, I would never meet such interesting people unless I had to be at the library. For example there's this one guy that keeps falling asleep at his computer. As in, he has done it on more than one occasion. Then he'll suddenly wake up and start talking. Then there's these old people who haven't stopped complaining about how bad the service is. And another time there was this one strange looking guy who had his chair all the way down so that his head was beneath the monitor and level with the desk, so that he had to reach way up for the mouse....I could probably write an entire book on people. Don't know how interesting that would be though, even this paragraph can't have been too exciting, you really have to see them in person. I'm sure it will give me some interesting writing material for characters someday at any rate.

I'm trying to think of a subject...but I think I'm just going to give news updates. I was going to have an archery tournament to write about, but that didn't work out because it was cancelled *frowny sad face.* Also, exciting for me and definitely an answered prayer, I was on a waiting list for a writing elective I really want to take, but someone cancelled so now I'm in the class! That really made my day. The other elective I'm taking is illustration which I'm a bit nervous about because I'm not especially good with drawing, but I haven't taken an art class in forever and I think it would be so cool to be able to draw my own characters.

I've just decided that I can write about my summer reading. My goal on Goodreads for the entire year is to read 45 books. I have read 14 so far and it thinks I am 8 behind, so I am hoping to get pretty close by the end of summer because school doesn't leave much time for pleasure reading. I have done fairly well these last few weeks in catching up and plan to keep up the same rate. I have been keeping up with about 3 books at the same time, so I'm never bored. There is also about five that I started and really need to finish. Two of my current books are for two different book clubs I'm doing. One is Lord of The Rings, the other is John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. I am enjoying both immensely in entirely different ways. Yesterday I finished listening to The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen for the second time, it was just as good if not better since now I can read it knowing who the M.C. really is. I'd highly recommend it and can't wait to read the last one in the trilogy. If you don't feel like reading it, listen to it. The reader is perhaps the best male voice I have ever heard, Jim Dale being really hard to compare with. The other one, Don't Waste Your Life, has been fascinating from the two chapters I read and I can tell it will be view changing.

Other stories I'm looking forward to getting my hands on and checking off my very long to-read list are The Humming Room, Stupid Perfect World, The Ordinary Princess, Zel, Catch-22, and many more. There is a new book store nearby and I am very excited to get some of my new favorite books. There will also be a new writing book out by Gail Carson Levine in late November. I am so excited to see that. The cover art is great if you want to check it out on her blog or website.

All for now!

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